Ja, da var det gjort. Stilen er skrevet og innlevert, det eneste som gjenstår er å få karakter. Det gikk passe bra. Temaet var Challenges, og oppgaven var å skrive en personlig tekst om dine daglige utfordringer. Før du leser teksten burde du vite at noe av det er litt overdrevet for å skape effekt. Her kommer den endelige stilen:
The couch with three seats
Would you like to know my greatest challenge in life? Then you must define the essence of a challenge, for I have been wrecking my brain to get som answers, and all I'm left with is an exclamation point. Therefore, I am convinced that I need to live a few more years before I can even be able to grasp how enormous this question really is. With that said, let us take a look at the intricate challenges of my day to day life, which in itself might be a challenge!
Will others like this outfit? Am I good enough to apply to this school? Are they talking behind my back? A thousand questions, quite similar to these, run through my head every single day. My own strenght surprises me at times, since I am able to suppress about 80% of them and hide them in my unconsciousness. It is this procedure that I count as one of my biggest enemies, a challenge from hell. All of these thoughts bring a bitter side affect: guilt. You see, it's not uncommon for me to wonder whether or not I should be speaking to a person. It's of course without a doubt imprudent to let these types of fear settle, so in such context, I push them away. Unfortunately they leave somewhat of an imprint. It seems as if I'm unable to entirely refocus. If I, at that moment, let my thoughts slip, the same superficial song starts chiming in my head. "What if my friends don't like her? Will this be my social suicide?" The lyrics scare me... in more than one way. Am I a monster? Am I really tham silly? Guilt starts flowing in until I make myself look up at the person and fake a large, satisfying smile. I know that the pain will go away eventually, and at the same time a greater calmness will surrender me - carelessness.
Fulfilling demands
It's like this place strangulates me at times. The challenge is to keep the feeling at a distance. A distance that makes me at ease, yet not fully satisfied. Now and then the demands around me increase, but this is not what makes me feel claustrophobic. I need these demands, these strings of commitment - they keep me grounded. What makes me sick to my stomach is how repetative these demands are. My challenge is to live with the fact that I want more challenges! I want to learn African schoolchildren how to speak English, go paragliding, travel around Asia, take fighting lessons in China and go diving in Malta. It feels as if I'm at the end of a chapter, but the last page is never revealed. This is mildly said frustrating. The only things that excite me these days are my interest for politics, fashion, friends and the thought of my next chapter. I hope this new chapter will contain the story of a small town girl starting at United World Colleges. Now that's a challenge I'm prepared fighting for!
When I was a child - about seven years old - I had one dream; one goal; one challenge. This goal consisted of me being able to strech while lying on the sofa and touch both ends with my head and my feet. Nothing more complicated, I just wanted to be at the same length as my couch. It almost became an obsession of mine. Every day, I would walk over to the sofa, lie down and eventually pout, since I had yet another half meter to go. Perhaps I wanted to have the same rights to the sofa as my 1,87m tall father, who clearly needed the longest couch more than I did. How small that concern seems today. At the time, I just wanted to grow taller than my mother, tall enough for the couch with the three seats. Well, atleast I can safely say I met that challenge and won. With my 1,72m I have reached my mother, so guess that can't be one of the challenges anymore. *Sigh*
A larger, more pressing cloud has glided in on my horizon. The cloud is called leaving.It's a part of my future, even if it's not to encure any time soon. That thought is always there in the back of my head. Leaving is a challenge I must face head on with a straight back, and I'm not looking forward to it.
A present challenge though, is how to treat my parents. Am I supposed to be obediant or follow my own voice? Will making all of my decisions myself lead me on the wrong path? The challenge is balancing everything. It's just like putting together a jigsaw.
Schoolwork and literature
I have one large weakness. I get wrapped up in books. When I'm reading a well-written story I usually get lost in it. I can't stop reading a book, and it almost hurts when I finish it. This would affect my homework, if it hadn't been for my relaxed relationship towards assignments in the first place. Somehow I get them done. When I reach highschool I'm pretty sure I'll need to change my attitude towards it, but at this moment - status quo is my life motto.
I could have continued listing all my goals and problems, but that would only bore you, since I'm deep down quite the stereotype. I don't like admitting that, after all - I am a teenager. You would also have realized (if you haven't already) that I'm rather spoiled and not at all modest and sweet. In this text I have, how ever, given you a small piece of my mind and that's pretty hard for me, might even call it a challenge. I hope and believe that I will one day meet all my challenges without precautions and stare them right in the eyes. Perhaps I was wrong in the beginning: The biggest challenge in my life is to deal with all the challenges.
Hva syns du?
torsdag 16. april 2009
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Nice ;) Bra skrevet! Jeg måtte lese hele og det er et godt tegn. Rett fram og ærlig. Og det er uten tvil nok utfordringer som ligger foran deg - det er bare å gripe dem! :)